Conference Workshops

Westfield Self Advocacy Presents Why Friendship Matters Self Advocacy Impact Lab Presents Connecting Through Activism Creating Inclusive Community: A Discussion of Race & Identity Let’s Talk about Sex Team-building Puzzle Game Open Door Club Presents Building Friendships & Networking

2022 Conference Workshop Application Are you a self advocate with an important story to tell or information to teach? WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!  REQUIREMENTS: -Must be able to present for approximately 50 minutes -Must submit current resume TO APPLY:Please send this completed form and a current resume to West Region Self Read more…

2022 Conference Keynote Application Are you a self advocate with an important story to tell? Would you like to get paid to speak on the theme of “Building Friendships”? WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!  REQUIREMENTS:-Must identify as a self advocate with a disability and a story to tell -Must be able to Read more…

Join Rainbow Support Group 🌈

CALLING ALL LGBTQIA+ SELF ADVOCATES Rainbow Support Group will be hosting a Zoom Meeting about our return to regular meetings on August 25th! The Rainbow Support Group provides support and information to individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, or are Read more…

Exciting New Project!

Activism and social change work have always been part of the self advocacy movement. Whether it is advocating for the use of inclusive language or fighting to ensure that all people have access to quality healthcare, brave and committed self advocates have never been afraid to stand up and use Read more…